Five Fantastic (And Safe!) Summer Vacation Spots Near Albuquerque, NM

Summertime is here, and many New Mexicans are preparing for a quick vacation trip to the many amazing destinations in the state. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic and the risk of wildfires has caused many sites to restrict some of their features. If you want to have fun but stay safe this summer, check out this Albuquerque and New Mexico destinations with plenty of open space to avoid crowds. But please check their websites before visiting to learn more about their current status.

If you’re looking for an incredible open space near Albuquerque, Elena Gallegos Park is the landscape you have to check out. Six thousand five hundred feet high and 640-acre to look around, this open space is perfect for admiring the imposing Mt. Taylor to the west and the extensive Tijeras Arroyo to the south. Observe the diverse vegetation while you hike with family or friends, or settle down for a picnic while you wait for the reddish sunset.

One of the largest of its kind in North America, Petroglyph National Monument, is a landscape of sacred symbols and a fantastic tourist destination that offers hiking trails, park programs, and, of course, petroglyph sights. These designs and symbols were created by Native Americans and Spanish settlers, around 400 to 700 years ago, carving a lasting cultural expression into volcanic rock. A truly unique destination for this summer vacation. 

If you want to scape the arid environment of Albuquerque and the surrounding pueblos, visit the vast cottonwood forest that its Rio Grande Valley. Other wild plants there are New Mexico olive and coyote willow, not to mention the fantastic animals like turtles, snakes, and beavers. Rio Bravo also has plenty of picnic and fishing options, like Pueblo Montano, Shining River, Calabacillas Arroyo, and many hiking and walking trails.

Over 30,000 acres of breathtaking canyon and mesa country, protected wildlife, and the incredible evidence of human presence going back over 11,000 years! Bandelier National Monument is the site you have to see if you love history and nature. Prepare to admire petroglyph and carvings on soft rocks cliffs, standing masonry walls, and other vestiges of an ancient civilization. However, please consider that many of the trails and programs are currently closed. Check the official website to learn more.

Between San Pascual Mountains to the east and Chupadera Mountains to the west, Bosque del Apache is a National Wildlife Refugee established in 1939. Since that year, it has been a safe home of over ten thousand species of cranes, geese, and ducks. Free guided refuge tours, wildlife watching, biking trails, and many activities are available in this beautiful destination, but with some restrictions.

Enjoy your summer vacation while staying safe! Remember to avoid crowds, and don’t touch your face. If you are worried about cleaning and disinfecting your home, contact green sweep, and we will handle the job. Book your service on our website.

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